New Version
I will say that the Collins dictionary is one of the best. I have always been impressed by the breadth of the dictionary including usage examples and idiomatic expressions. The conjugator is top-notch and the number translator is very handy.
I am completely unimpressed with the new version. In the old version the dictionary, conjugator, and number translator were in separate "mini apps". This kept the overall app neatly organized. The dictionary was under the dictionary icon, the conjugator was under the conjugator icon, etc. It was very easy to switch from one to the other by simply touching a word to get pop-up choices such as "cut, "paste", "dictionary", "conjugation", or by presseing the icons at the bottom of the screen. In the new version all three mini apps have been merged into one big app and what a mess it is!!
The first problem I noticed is the new version is slow. It takes time to load and the app is slow to respond when the buttons are touched.
The second problem I noticed is that every single entry is contained in one huge list. The same word can appear multiple times depending on whether it is a conjugation or a translation, and this makes the list seem very disorganized and almost unwielding.
Had I know what the new version was like I never would have updated. I want the old version back.
Collins Spanish-English, v2.3